How Much Is a Square of Roofing?

How Much Is a Square of Roofing?

Roof professionals often employ squares as units of measurement in order to more easily estimate the amount of material required for roof replacement projects and compare quotes from different contractors. Homeowners may also benefit from using this approach when shopping around for quotes.

Step one is to determine the surface area of the roof by taking measurements along both length and width.

Cost of Materials

Materials cost is one of the major components in calculating the price of roofing squares, with prices fluctuating depending on their type. Rolled materials like fiberglass shingles often represent the least costly solution while asphalt shingles cost slightly more but boast longer-term protection from rainwater runoff. Other forms of roof material, like clay and concrete tiles as well as copper roofs with standing seam panels may prove more costly.

Contractors use roofing squares as a unit of measurement when calculating materials needed for roof replacement projects. A roofing square is calculated by multiplying length and width and then dividing by 100; typically three bundles of shingles cover one roofing square – but the number required depends on which material you choose; to get an accurate assessment, be sure to talk with your contractor beforehand about how many materials will be necessary before making your final decision.

Cost of Installation

Roofering is one of the more labor-intensive construction tasks, so having an understanding of roofing square measurements is invaluable both to homeowners and contractors alike. When purchasing a new roof, knowing its cost per square will allow you to compare quotes from different contractors more accurately.

To determine the number of roofing squares required for your home, first determine how many planes there are on your roof. A basic gable-style roof usually contains two planes while other roof styles may contain more. Once this number has been determined, measure each plane to determine its square footage.

Calculating how many roofing squares your roof requires involves taking into account headlap. This refers to the overlap between rows of shingles that helps prevent water penetration. Price per square can also depend upon which materials are chosen; asphalt shingle roofs typically range between $5,800 and $12,700 while slate can cost as much as $1,500 per square.


Warranty considerations should be paramount when hiring a roofing contractor, since it will serve to safeguard your investment if any problems arise with your roof in the long run. Warranty terms vary based on manufacturer and company; be sure to thoroughly research each option available to you before making a final decision.

Some manufacturers provide non-prorated coverage for five years following installation of a new roof, although coverage will become prorated over time. Furthermore, cosmetic damage may not be covered under most manufacturer warranties.

Some roofing companies combine their workmanship and manufacturer material warranties into one standard roofing warranty, typically lasting between 10-30 years. When selecting roofing companies, look for those offering quality craftsmanship and material warranties; such firms tend to be better than their counterparts who offer only flat rate per square prices that do not take into account material and installation costs.

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How Much Is a Square of Roofing? Roof professionals often employ squares as units of measurement in order to more easily estimate the amount of material required for roof replacement projects and compare quotes from different contractors. Homeowners may also benefit from using this approach when shopping around for quotes. Step one is to determine…